Types of aphasia
Find out about common types of aphasia: Broca's aphasia, Wernick's aphasia, anomic aphasia and primary progressive aphasia.
Aphasia Awareness Month 2023 #LetsTalkAphasia - Social media toolkit
Type: Campaigns
Join us on social media during Aphasia Awareness Month 2023 using the hashtag #LetsTalkAphasia to raise awareness of aphasia.
Aphasia Awareness Month: Resources to help you get online
This article has information about online tools for people with aphasia. There is also information about how businesses can help people with aphasia.
Reconstructing sentence processing in aphasia
Everyday talking involves being able to understand sentences, something that can be affected by aphasia. This research will design and test a new therapy which aims to help improve understanding of everyday sentences in people with aphasia.
New aphasia friendly guides for video calling and messaging apps
We now have aphasia-friendly guides available on how to download and use video calling apps Zoom, Skype and WhatsApp.
When the Words Away Went: A new documentary about aphasia
A new documentary all about aphasia is coming out soon. 40% of stroke survivors have aphasia. They struggle to communicate.
Research Participants Needed: Psychosocial and cognitive predictors of long-term outcome of stroke survivors and their carers (In-person, Cambridge Opportunity)
Type: Research
A group of researchers at Anglia Ruskin University are looking for people with aphasia to share their experience in small informal discussions. They want to learn more about language problems in people who had a stroke and suffer from aphasia.
Can a singing group help to improve wellbeing for people with post-stroke aphasia?
Beyond impaired language function, people with aphasia report a range of psychosocial health problems which negatively affect their wellbeing, including reduced confidence and social isolation. These psychosocial problems are not adequately addressed by healthcare services. This study will pilot a new group-based singing intervention for improving the psychosocial health of people with aphasia.
Delivering group support for people with aphasia through Eva Park
About one-third of stroke survivors are left with aphasia. This is a language disorder that disrupts the production and comprehension of speech, as well as reading and writing. This study will investigate whether a support group intervention can be delivered remotely to people with aphasia through a virtual island platform called Eva Park.
Living with aphasia
Type: News
Kelly shares her experiences and tips on living with aphasia.