About the app

What app did we test?

Talk Around IT Home

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Neurohero logo

What does the app do?

The app allows users to practise naming.

Neuro Hero has 4 apps with different themes.

We looked at the Home app which included words you might find at home.

The app shows a photo and the user must name the photo.

The app offers cues to help with naming.

You can choose the cues that work best for you.

example image of app activity

Who was the app made for?

The app is for people with word finding difficulties including people with aphasia.

Who made the app?

The app was made by speech and language therapists.

Number of activities

The app has over 100 photos with over 900 cues.


  • iPhone and iPad.
  • Android phones and tablets.


Type of cost

The app has a once off cost.

There are no additional costs after you have bought the app.

The app costs £16.99.

Prices may change over time.

Do they offer a free/ lite version?


Neuro Hero offers a Lite (free) version.

NeuroHero lite app


Are there other languages available?

The app is available in:

  • British and American English.
  • Spanish.
  • Hindi.
  • Brazilian Portuguese.
  • Norwegian.

Does the app have a voice? Does the voice have an accent?

Yes, the app has a female British voice.

Is text read out aloud?

No, not all the text is read aloud.

What do the images look like?

The images are colour photos with white backgrounds.

example image of app activity

Can I make the text bigger?


Can I personalise the app?

Yes, you can make a list of your favourite words.

But you cannot add your own words and photos.

Does the app record my results?

Yes, you can take a test with 10 or 50 words.

The app can show you progress reports.

You can compare your results from previous tests. 

What did our aphasia testing group say?

The aphasia testing group liked:

  • The app offers lots of help to say a word with sound and written cues.
  • The group liked that there is an option to take a test to help you monitor your progress.
  • Testers liked that they were able to save their favourite words or remove words they did not want to practice in the picture library.
  • The photos used on the app are clear and easy to understand.
  • The group enjoyed the helpful questions suggested on each photo. They thought these questions made you think about the word in more detail.

 “It was great to get my score at the end. I could even see a progress report and compare how I had done on previous tests”

Our aphasia testing group found some parts challenging.

  • Some members who were new to using tablets found it difficult to know which button to press to see the next photo.
  • One group member which visual difficulties found the text too small but other members found it was the right size for them.
  • When taking the test some group members found it stressful that they only had 20 seconds to answer a question.  
  • The group felt it would be nice if you could also add your own words.

What did a speech and language therapist say?

This app is helpful for people with word finding difficulties.

When practicing words you can use cues to help with naming.

People might find some cues more helpful.

There are sound cues which tell you the first sound of the word or first letter.

You can also choose to hear the word in a sentence or just the word.

Others might find written cues more helpful.

These show you the first letter or the word or write down the full word.

Other apps?


  • Talk Around It Nature.
  • Talk Around It Person.
  • Talk Around It Men.

You can visit the website for more information https://www.neurohero.com/.

Disclaimer: The Stroke Association provides the details of other apps for information only.

Inclusion on our website does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement.